Rice is one of the commonly consumed grains across the globe. A lot of people consider it as their stable food. This applies to Asia, Europe and Africa and other continents. Rice has different sizes, shapes and colors. White and brown rice are the common types of rice. This has raised a lot of questions on which is one is healthy. A lot of people think brown rice is the healthiest rice despite a lot of people feeding on white rice. So, which is healthier than the other?
What are the differences between White and Brown rice?
Both brown and white rice are rich in carbohydrates. They also contain low amounts and protein and no fat. Brown rice falls under the category of whole grain. This means all the parts of the grain are intact. That is the carb- rich endosperm; nutritious germ and the fibrous bran are intact. Things are very different when it comes to white rice. The germ and the barn have been removed. This essentially means a fraction of its nutrients have been removed. From the above facts, it is evident that brown rice contains more nutrients than white rice. The color is another difference worth noting. One is white and the other one is brown.
The nutrients found in White and Brown Rice
The high nutrient levels make brown rice outshine white rice. Studies between these two types of rice revealed that brown rice contains high nutrient amounts when compared to white rice. Additionally, brown rice is also rich in antioxidants and fiber. White rice lacks these vital nutrients because of being refined. It contains less nutrients and carbs. Below are some nutrients found in both brown and white rice: Niacin, thiamine, Zinc, magnesium, Iron, manganese, Vitamin B6 and phosphorous.
Brown rice and Antinutrients
Evidence has revealed that rice might contain antinutrients. Arsenic is the most dominant in brown rice. Antinutrients are capable of reducing the ability of the body to absorb nutrients. This results into a large percentage of nutrients going to waste. Brown rice also contains phytate or phytic acid that falls under antinutrients. Phytic acid is linked with a couple of health benefits. Its presence in brown rice has raised a lot of concerns. Phytic acid can hinder the rate in which the body absorbs zinc and iron. You are likely to suffer from mineral deficiencies if you solely depend on brown rice. Develop a habit of taking a balanced diet if you regularly take brown rice.
Arsenic, a toxic chemical is also found in brown rice. The amount of this chemical is on the increase mostly because of pollution. This means that brown rice contains different amounts of this toxic chemical. Medical studies have revealed that frequent intake of arsenic increases the possibility of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The amounts if arsenic chemical is more in brown rice when compared to white rice. However, the two antinutrients in rice shouldn’t be a problem if you consume rice in moderation.
The effects of rise in preventing diabetes and regulating Blood Sugar levels
As stated earlier, brown rice is a whole grain. This means it contains all its components and nutrients. It contains high amounts of fiber and magnesium. Both magnesium and fiber have for a long time been used in controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic people. Medical studies have also showcased that brown rice is also capable of reducing the possibility of type 2 diabetes.
People who regularly consume white rice increase the possibility of contracting type 2 diabetes. Studies have also showcased that white rice can spike up blood sugar levels faster. This is the reason it should be consumed in moderation.
More health benefits of consuming Brown and White Rice
There are other health aspects which white and brown rice showcase different results. We are going to analyze the heart disease, weight control and the antioxidants levels.
- Heart disease- Brown rice is a whole grain, whereas white rice falls under refined grains. Brown rice is rich in lignans. These compounds are capable of improving the health and the overall functionality of the heart. They perform their functions by decreasing inflammation in arteries on the heart. Lignans are also capable of lowering the body blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the possibility of heart conditions. Lignans in brown rice can significantly reduce fat in the blood. Practical studies showcase that frequently eating brown rice increases the good cholesterol and reduces the bad cholesterol.
- The antioxidant levels- The brown rice bran is intact unlike that in white rice. The bran contains high amounts of antioxidants. These antioxidants are capable of protecting the body from different kinds of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart condition. Moving on, obese women tend to have low amounts of antioxidants. Brown rice can tremendously boost the antioxidant levels in such women. Some studies revealed that white rice can reduce antioxidant levels in diabetic people.
- Weight- Brown rice has for a long time been consumed by people on diet. It can help a person shed off some weight. Brown rice can also change the circumference of your hips and waist. It has for a long time been proven that consuming plenty of whole grains can significantly shed off some pounds. This can be efficient when combined with resistant training.
Bottom Line
It is evident that brown rice is healthier when compared to white rice. You are likely to attain more nutrients from brown rice. White rice also contains some amounts of nutrients. You can comfortably consume both white and brown rice.