People have different reactions on whole eggs. Some people think they are healthy whereas a fraction thinks they are not healthy. Those who think whole grains are healthy link it with protein and other vital nutrients. There is a myth that yolks can result into heart conditions if taken for a long period. So, are eggs good or bad for the body?
Why are eggs considered unhealthy?
There are two components that structure whole eggs, namely the egg yolk and the egg white. The white part is rich in protein. The yolk contains different nutrients. People have for a long period considered eggs unhealthy because of the high cholesterol levels found in the yolk. Scientific studies linked high cholesterol levels in the blood can trigger or result into various heart conditions. However, people are advised to eat eggs with moderation to avoid injecting high cholesterol levels in the blood. Alternatively, you can consume cholesterol free eggs. This is considered the healthy option. So, it is true that eggs contain high cholesterol levels? Yes, whole eggs have high cholesterol levels.
Do whole eggs affect the Blood Cholesterol levels?
This question has raised heated debate. Some people state that the high cholesterol levels in whole eggs don’t have any impact, whereas others think it has negative impact. Intense research has revealed that it is not necessary that consuming meals with high cholesterol will affect the ones in the body. Our body also produces cholesterol through the liver. It is an essential nutrient for our body cells. When you consume high amounts of cholesterol, the liver reduces the amount of cholesterol it produces.
The body also produces high cholesterol levels if you consume less. This automatically means there are no major changes in the blood cholesterol changes when you consume whole eggs. Cholesterol is also used in different ways. Here are some ways it is beneficial for the body:
- It aids body produce Vitamin D
- It is linked with bile acids production. Bile acids are used in digestion of fat.
It is also found on all cell membranes in the body.
Is there a link between Heart diseases and whole eggs?
This is one of the commonly researched questions about eggs. Nutritionists encourage us to consume whole eggs with moderation. This doesn’t increase the cholesterol levels in the blood or increase the possibility of heart complications. Eggs have also been linked with improves the wellbeing of the heart for people suffering from type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. Whole eggs can also improve the insulin sensitivity rate of a person. Bad cholesterol is linked with heart complications. Whole eggs don’t affect bad cholesterol. It only increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body. Recent studies have indicated that people who are already suffering from heart disease can comfortably eat whole eggs without any worry. In short, there is no link between whole eggs and heart diseases.
Are you prone to diabetes because of consuming plenty of eggs?
Over the years, researches have revealed that those who consume eggs improve their overall insulin sensitivity rate. Whole eggs were also proven to reduce the possibility of a heart attack on people who already have diabetes. People who over eat whole eggs increase the possibility of contracting type 2 diabetes. Therefore, whole eggs should be consumed with moderation. People with diabetes can greatly benefit if they add eggs to their diet. Eggs can help people with type 2 diabetes in the following ways:
- It helps in normalizing blood pressure
- It keeps blood sugar levels intact
- It reduces insulin resistance by the body
- It reduces inflammation for diabetic people.
The relationship between genes and egg consumption
We all have different genes composition. Our gene composition influences how our body responds to eggs. This is the reason some people encounter negative reactions even if eggs don’t pose any risk. Here are some of these genes:
The ApoE4 Gene
Anyone with ApoE4 gene composition is at a high risk of contracting Alzheimer disease, type 2 diabetes, heart condition and above all; high bad cholesterol levels. People with ApoE4 gene who uncontrollably fed on whole eggs increased their cholesterol levels in the body. Such people should be strict on the eggs they consume at any interval, preferably weekly.
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
People who fall under the category of Familial hypercholesterolemia are likely to develop heart complications and high cholesterol levels in the body. Familial hypercholesterolemia people should significantly reduce the amounts cholesterol they inject in the body. They need medication and a strict diet plan. There are instances where they are barred from completely consuming eggs.
Cholesterol Hyper dietary Responders
Hyper dietary responders are other people who should watch out on the amount of eggs they consume at any interval. The cholesterol levels in the blood tend to increase when they consume meals with high cholesterol amounts. This statement applies to both good and bad cholesterol in the body. Therefore, cholesterol hyper dietary responders should be careful on the amount of eggs they consume. There are some serious instances where a person is barred from eating any meal with high cholesterol levels.
Nutrients found in Eggs and their health benefits
Eggs contain high amounts of nutrients. This is the reason it is widely consumed across the globe. First, eggs contain high amounts of protein. People looking for a great source of protein should turn to eggs. They also contain minerals and vitamins. Here are some nutrients found in whole eggs vitamin A, Vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, iron, calories and folate. These are some nutrients found in eggs. In fact, eggs have a little bit of everything. Here are some health benefits linked with consumption of eggs:
- You will be full for a long period. This helps control your hunger or uncontrolled cravings. This is thanks to the high amounts of proteins.
- Eggs can help you lose a significant amount of weight. The high amounts of protein in the body increases the metabolism rate of a person. Therefore, you can easily shed off a couple of pounds.
- Choline found in eggs can improve the wellbeing of your brain.
- Compounds such as zeaxanthin and lutein, found in eggs reduce the possibility of any heart complication.
- Eggs can significantly reduce inflammation.
Bottom line, eggs are very nutritious and deserve to be listed among one of the healthiest meals. Furthermore, they don’t have any impact on your blood cholesterol levels in the body. Eggs also modify LDL cholesterol sizes so that they don’t pose serious health factors to the body. Lastly, some people must limit their eggs intake.